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GunHeritage.com is the website of Supica Consulting LLC. We do consulting, appraisals, and media on antique and collectible firearms.
For more info, see About page.
Email SupicaLLC@outlook.com
For links to articles and videos on firearms history and gun collecting, go to the Firearms info & pix page.
The recently added S&W Info page has appendices from the new 5th Edition of Standard Catalog of S&W which had to be omitted from this newest edition due to page count limitations because of the many added models, variations and photos. These are here for your reference use - copyright Richard Nahas and Jim Supica, do not copy or reproduce without permission. It includes the following:
For the past couple years this website focused on the sale of the gun collections of Jim Supica and Bailey Brower, Jr., listed below, which were being sold at auction by Rock Island Auction Co. beginning in Dec. 2022 and continuing through 2024, with some remaining for sale in 2025. Check out RIA auctions at https://www.rockislandauction.com/
After the liquidation of the collections listed below is completed, this website will focus on firearms information and pictures.
Hammerless revolvers including Baby Hammerless, velodogs, Iver Johnsons, H&Rs, rarities, oddities, engraved pieces, and much more too weird to easily explain or justify. Some of these are pictured in the "Pocket Protectors of the Past" article featured in both the 2022 Gun Digest and the 2023 Standard Catalog of Firearms.
Large frame top-break S&W revolvers ca. 1870-1900 including Americans, Russians, Schofields, New Model #3's, and .44 DA's. Many of these guns have been used as illustrations in Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson by Supica & Nahas, and other books. Several have been exhibited in national NRA Museums and featured on national television programs
These are guns that have a serial number of "1" (or 001, 00001, etc.) or which are known to be the first serial number of a particular model or variation. Most of these will be the first production gun of that particular type. Some are prototypes or experimentals, vanity serial numbers, or number one of a commemorative or limited production variation. Some of these are featured in the "Serial Number One Guns" episode of Outdoor TV's Gun Stories, and have been exhibited at national museums.
Savage Arms - This collection has now been fully liquidated.
Possibly the foremost Savage pistol collection at the time of his passing, including rarities, high condition guns, engraved, and historic examples of the .32ACP and .380ACP pistols that were Colt's primary American competitor in the pocket semi-aucto pistol market of the early 20th century. Many of these were used as illustrations in Brower's definitive book Savage Pistols. The collection also includes Savage long guns and other semi-auto pistols.​

Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson
New 5th Edition now available from Amazon or Gun Digest
Civil War Henry Rifle for sale
Consignment, just in from a lifelong collection estate. About NRA Antique Good condition, metal is patina with pitting. Markings legible including s/n 3322 & martial CGC mark. Lever is an old replacement off a different model. Rear sight probably a replacement, front sight blade missing. Large chip missing from toe of otherwise sound stock with usage marks. An honest Civil War Henry rifle that fortunately has not had heavy restoration efforts. SOLD.

Sample guns from these collections

Serial number one guns